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Vossloh Sleepers Australia – Austrak

Established in 1980, Austrak has become a world leader in the design and manufacture of pre-stressed concrete sleepers, and the largest concrete sleeper manufacturer in Australia. Since 2018 Austrak has been wholly owned by the Vossloh Group whose core business is rail infrastructure. Throughout the world Vossloh offer integrated rail solutions from a single source; significantly contributing to the safe, reliable and sustainable movement of people and commodities around the world.

Austrak Is focused on offering the best in sleeper design and manufacture while providing clients in Australia a channel to the Vossloh Group suite of rail solutions. At our core we are railway people.

Safety, Quality and Sustainability are underpinned by Innovation and Collaboration as the cornerstones of the Austrak client value proposition. We work in close partnership with our customers in an open and consultative way to understand their needs across all key areas from ballast condition to maintenance schedules.

Austrak is a leader in the design, construction, commissioning, and operation of concrete sleeper manufacturing plants, having built and run 13 factories in Australia and overseas. Some factories have been custom-built for projects, and capacities range from 50,000 to more than 1 million sleepers per year. Austrak has produced over 24 million sleepers for medium and heavy-duty rail, including 2 million sleepers for light rail and tramways, and a broad range of products designed to meet the varying needs of our customers.

If you want to know more about Vossloh in Australia, please click here!

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